Prime Telecom offers professional solutions certified to combat computer threats. Our products are available both in physical form, if our customers have specific requests or virtualization in cloud computing.


Fortigate UTM

A complete solution to protect the network and resources of small and medium-sized organizations.

  • hardware analysis of data packets with the ASIC processor
  • hardware firewall
  • Intrusion Prevention (IPS)
  • WEB Filtering (WAF)
  • Antivirus / Antispyware /Antimalware (automatic signature update)

Fortiweb WAF

Unprotected web applications are the first entry point for villains, and the vulnerabilities of these applications are a real risk. The Fortiweb WAF operating mode is based on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) script that interferes with a close web traffic analysis, in all layers effectively protecting web applications.

Among the threats that Fortiweb WAF detects and combats are: SQL Injection, Cross-site scripting, file inclusion, cookie poisoning, etc. Because periodically new threats appear, we recommend that the update engine be active so that it can update whenever a list of signatures is required, including daily, if it feels the necessity for.


FortiMail Secure Email Gateway

Email is still one of the main access channels for villains, from daily SPAM, with standard viruses, ranging from regular attacks to ransomware, which in recent years have blocked, sometimes irremediably, entire organizations including public institutions.

Fortimail uses the latest technology in the industry to detect and stop all these attacks in a timely manner. For organizations that track 100% removal of any suspects, they can remove any active content (scripts, macros, executables) from the email body, removing any potentially hazardous content.


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are ever-evolving and those who set them up are improving every day improve their attack techniques.

To combat them successfully FortDDoS acts both on signatures, to detect and combat known attacks, and based on traffic behavior patterns, successfully detecting unknown attacks.

FortiDos includes ongoing monitoring and reporting capabilities that allow you to keep up-to-date with any ongoing attacks.


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