Prime Telecom installs advanced video surveillance systems (CCTV), including high-security premises systems, compatible with last generation applications from airports, stadiums or similar. We use high resolution cameras that record in exceptional quality even in situations where light is difficult. We provide professional recording systems, on-premises or on-cloud.

Our teams installs burglar alarm systems from the “classic” ones for the small premises, to the most sophisticated ones, designed to be used for perimetral security on big areas. The system can be integrated with any existing BMS system, with Access Control and video surveillance (CCTV).

Detection and warning in a fire incident it’s a must, a guarante of life security and goods preservation. Systems installed by Prime Telecom are detecting fires in early stages, ensuring the time needed for people evacuation and extinguishing the fire.

Complete access control solutions, with advanced features of reporting, timekeeping with well defined access rights defined for individuals or groups. Can be integrated with video surveillance, turnstiles, barriers and parking access.